Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dr. Eggplant’s game review: Shovel Knight

Back in the 90’s shows like Captain Planet and the original Power Rangers, would have heroes combine their efforts to form something so legendary that people would remember it for years to come.  Well when it comes to the 8-bit era, if a gamer were to combine some aspects of Mega Man, Ducktales, Castlevania, Zelda II, and Super Mario 3 all into one game, you would get Shovel Knight.  The first game designed by yacht club games, Shovel Knight is an old school 2d sweeping platformer that takes the best aspects of the 8-bit Era and jumbles it all into one game.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Dr. Eggplant’s 5 things I want to see at E3

With E3 a little less than a month away, the rumor mill around the video game world has started buzzing, in which some news has already been confirmed before the press conferences have begun.  With confirmed titles like Gears of War and Uncharted already in the works to the annual rumor about Nintendo making a new Zelda game for its respective home console, this year’s E3 is shaping up to be one of if not the biggest E3 in recent years.  All of the companies have promised us that they are going to come out firing with games upon games upon games, and why not, a year after the revealing of the new generation of systems between Sony and Microsoft and the fact that Nintendo is releasing quite possibly its most popular franchise on 3ds and the Wii U later this year, the 3 way battle for video game supremacy is hotter than ever.  Of course gamers want to see titles that have yet to be revealed, or something that will peak their interest on upcoming titles that is the whole point of E3 and that’s why gamers look forward to this event every year.  With that being said these are the top 5 things I think gamers would like to see at this year’s E3 press conferences (digital event for Nintendo).

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The 5 it could happen video game moments of 2014

We are already a couple weeks into 2014 and gamers right now are still enjoying all of the launch titles that the Xbox one and Playstation 4 have provided along with the Wii u and the great titles they released this past holiday season.  However with the successes that these systems are having there is much more to come not just from these companies but from many other companies including valve who is on the brink of releasing their steam system and Bethesda who has been the brunt of many rumors throughout the end of 2013 into 2014.  Although most gamers know exactly what is going to be released this year and what possible news to expect, we all get shocked when the unexpected does happen.  So in honor of the unexpected I thought it would be interesting to try and predict these moments because “it could happen,” now keep in mind that some of these are long shots of happening but this is about the unexpected which means anything can happen; so with that being said here are my 5 “it could happen moments of 2014.”