Saturday, November 23, 2013

How EA needs to ride the success of their arcade sports

As a 90’s gamer there were many classic franchises exclusive to the decade that I still play to this day.  Games like Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Vectorman, and Earthworm Jim are just a few 90’s franchises that will give me that Nostalgia factor; however there are a couple franchises that me, my brother, and friends played all the time; those were NBA Jam and NFL Blitz.  These franchises really launched the popularity of sports in the gaming world with over the top moves and no rules gameplay that made gamers save up their quarters each week.  No question NBA Jam and NFL Blitz have become cult classics to the old school gamers that lived in the arcades.

Unfortunately with Acclaim and Iguana entertainment long out of business and Sports games trying to become more realistic the world of Arcade Sports seemed to be lost.  However when NBA Jam was brought back in 2010 by EA (yes EA) it gave some hope for the long lost genre.  At first the new NBA Jam was tough to play due to the AI being so hard and limited online play, but EA re-released NBA Jam with the On Fire edition in 2011 fixing up the AI and allowing more features to online play (most notably co-op play) which really brought back the true essence of NBA Jam.  The new NBA Jam was a major success bringing back the old school gamers who don’t play realistic sports games, and the new school gamers who got to experience something brand new. 

In 2012 EA took advantage of their exclusive licensing rights of the NFL and remade Blitz.  This was another major success for the company bringing back the lucrative tackles, over the top offensive plays and the original NFL Blitz commentator Tim Kitzrow (he also commentated in NBA Jam).  It was great to see the new players being displayed in a style that only solid 90’s gameplay could bring to the table.

With the successes of the new NBA Jam and NFL Blitz, it looks like Arcade Sports are back; the question is will they be here to stay?  If they really are then EA should start treating the games like Madden, NBA Live, NHL, and FIFA because this will only bring in more profits to the company.  There are two things that EA should do in order to keep the games interesting.

·         Keep updated rosters:  Every game that EA has put up in the last few years has allowed the players to update their rosters at anytime throughout the sports’ respective season.  By doing this for the Arcade Sports it would allow players to play with rookies just coming to the league and/or players that have been traded to another team.  For example Dwight Howard is on the Magic in NBA Jam, in real life he is on the Houston Rockets and is paired with James Harden who is a rising star in the NBA.  By being able to update the rosters you could play as this duo or with Rockets legends like Hakeem Olajuwon; the same thing can happen with the other teams in any of the leagues and have combinations of players that gamers would only dream about.

·         Get the other sports involved:  Without question NBA Jam and NFL Blitz are the most popular arcade sports games that were made, but what about the other sports?  I believe EA should reach out to the other sports and put some over the top gameplay in them.  In 2002 NHL Hitz was made and to me was one of the best arcade sports games ever (I think it’s better than NFL Blitz.)  EA can put modern players like Patrick Kane and Sidney Crosby with legends like Jeremy Roenick and Mario Lemieux along with others right into a new Hitz game and create the same magic that NBA Jam does.  Another sport they should make an arcade game for is FIFA since it is by far EA’s biggest selling sports franchise.  With FIFA they should go a completely different direction; instead of putting the respective teams from various leagues in the game, they should just take the best players in the world today and legends of the game and create your own dream teams.  This would take away the factor of going through each league trying to find what team they should play as and make choosing a team much quicker.
EA is on the right track at the moment by listening to the fans and bringing back these classic arcade games, but I think if they stay on top of these franchises and devote time into making them better and up to date, it will give the gamers who may or may not enjoy sports an alternative to the norm that EA is putting out every single year.

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