Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Super Smash Bros for Wii U: 2014 Game of the Year?

In the last 15 years there have been many franchises that gamers consider to stand out on their own.  Games like this usually offer a unique aspect to their genre or gameplay that has inspired other games to be made. One franchise that accomplished both these feats is Super Smash Bros.  Since its release in 1999, Smash Bros. has become one of the perennial franchises for Nintendo.  I have talked to various gamers about Smash Bros and many of them said it is the reason why they own a Nintendo System (mostly with Melee for Gamecube and Brawl for Wii).  Other games like TMNT Smash up and Playstation All-stars Battle Royale tried to “join the battle” but were unable to match Smash Bros’ success.  Smash Bros has turned the fighting genre upside down and created an experience unlike any other.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How EA needs to ride the success of their arcade sports

As a 90’s gamer there were many classic franchises exclusive to the decade that I still play to this day.  Games like Streets of Rage, Final Fight, Vectorman, and Earthworm Jim are just a few 90’s franchises that will give me that Nostalgia factor; however there are a couple franchises that me, my brother, and friends played all the time; those were NBA Jam and NFL Blitz.  These franchises really launched the popularity of sports in the gaming world with over the top moves and no rules gameplay that made gamers save up their quarters each week.  No question NBA Jam and NFL Blitz have become cult classics to the old school gamers that lived in the arcades.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Will Fallout 4 be the greatest game of the next generation? by Carlos Javier aka Cheese

Without a doubt, Bethesda Softworks is planning on releasing what could be the greatest game of the next generation. Pete Hines, Vice president of Bethesda Softworks stated that the company acquired the rights to Fallout in order to produce many games.  Now that we are heading into the next generation of gaming, it is almost certain that the next Fallout title will be part of it.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Gears of War: What does its future hold?

Go to any gamer and they will tell you that Gears of War is one of the defining franchises representing this generation of gaming.  However, Gears of War’s future seems to be looking bleak.  Although I am a huge fan of the franchise, it is pretty hard to see any type of future for the remaining members of Delta Squad and the rest of the COG.  The release of Gears of War: Judgment did not go over so well with gamers; telling a story that not many fans of the franchise really cared about. The multiplayer also took a step back trying to bring in new concepts like its survival mode and overrun.  It almost looked like a third person version of Call of Duty, which really put distaste in my mouth.  The failure of Judgment has put the franchise in dire straits, however I believe Epic Studios has several options to potentially turn the franchise around.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pokémon X & Y

Pokémon X and Y for the Nintendo 3DS is the next installment in the Pokémon franchise and will be introducing a total of 69 new Pokémon for the 6th generation. Like every other Pokémon game before it, the game follows a linear storyline as events occur in a fixed order. Also like its predecessors it stars a young teenager with a dream of becoming the best Pokémon trainer in the region, the main goal in the game is to gather all 8 gym badges and eventually challenge the elite 4. The game takes place in the region of Kalos and the player gets to choose from Chespin, Fennekin or Froakie as their starter Pokémon and later in the game the player gets to choose Bulbasaur, Charmander or Squirtle.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

King B Kool Quick Review: Wind Waker HD

  When this game came out for the Gamecube I never really gave it a chance. I enjoyed what I did play - windfall island was fun and seemed like a good substitute for Hyrule town, but the control scheme kept me from investing the time I should have. There was something about navigating the ocean with a sail and a baton on a talking boat that just didn't captivate me the same way running across Hyrule did.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why is Call of Duty the “Jesus Christ” of shooters?

First off, it needs to be clarified what it is meant by the “Jesus Christ” of shooters. In Christianity, Jesus Christ is the figure of rebirth, immortality, and overall the creator and the most powerful. Jesus Christ came back from the dead to become the central figure of the largest religion in the world today. That being said, how do those traits apply to the franchise Call of Duty? The very first installment of the series, Call of Duty, introduced a realistic style of combat that was not very popular, and hardly available in any first person war game shooter, the second installment, Call of Duty 2 for the Xbox 360 introduced a fresh idea in story telling of WWII, and the Call of Duty Modern Warfare series, specifically Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, introduced a modern, realistic standard which eventually led to today’s day first person shooters.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

King B Kool Quick Review: Earthbound

I, like many of you, never played Earthbound when I should have. I even owned a copy of the game- and still never played it. (I was really lucky- a nice mint condition cartridge that I just never got around to playing still sits in its box in my room) By not doing so, I probably committed the ultimate childhood sin- or did I?

Classic Gaming and the Smart Device

Chances are if you’re a serious gamer you own a fairly recent gaming console like the X-Box 360, the PS3 or even a PC and are looking to the future and anticipating the next generation of gaming consoles. But almost every gamer has had his or her own golden age of gaming; everyone has those games that bring a wave of nostalgia rushing back. Whether you started with an Atari playing asteroids, Mario on the NES, Sonic on the Sega, or even Final Fantasy VII on the PlayStation, every gamer has their own classic games and most want to relive their glory days. But what can gamers do to facilitate it when their old consoles, games or controllers no longer work?

How Smash Bros. left the door open for a Mega Man HD Game.

This past E3 Nintendo dropped a bombshell for all their fans.  Not just the simple fact that the new Smash Bros. will be released next year but an icon in the gaming community will be joining the fight; The “Blue bomber” himself Mega Man.  Without question fans have wanted Mega Man in this game before Brawl was even released but were left wondering “what if?”  Now that he is finally in Smash Bros. fans are getting exactly what they want with a fighter that is unlike any other that has been seen in a Smash Bros. game to date.